Published inInnoCells InsightsPFMs: strategies and the struggle to generate customer valueWhat are PFMs? Personal Financial Managers (PFMs) are solutions that, based on the aggregation of accounts (“multi-banking”), are born to…Nov 10, 2020Nov 10, 2020
Published inInnoCells InsightsPFMs: lucha y estrategias por generar valor al cliente¿Qué son los PFMs? (Personal Financial Managers) Son soluciones que, construyendo desde la agregación de cuentas (“multi-banking”), nacen…Oct 27, 2020Oct 27, 2020
Published inInnoCells InsightsWhy did we invest in Nemuru?The policy of keeping interest rates low, which has been pursued for several years now, has forced banks to explore different ways of…Oct 1, 2020Oct 1, 2020
Published inInnoCells Insights¿Por qué invertimos en Nemuru?La política de mantenimiento de tipos de interés en niveles mínimos, que se prolonga desde hace años, ha empujado a la banca a adaptarse…Sep 30, 20201Sep 30, 20201